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Thank you for taking a moment out of your busy life to complete this quick survey. Your valuable assistance will greatly enhance Clean Joke of the Day's continued effectiveness in its service to you and other subscribers.

Do you prefer to receive emails in the format of Text, or HTML? Clean Joke of the Day is currently sent to you via text format.

Is Clean Joke of the Day too long, too short, or just right?

Do you find the jokes from Clean Joke of the Day always funny, mostly funny, seldom funny, or never funny?

What is your age?

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What country are you from?

If Clean Joke of the Day's newsletter was only available via a paid subscription, how much would you be willing to pay?

Don't worry: this is just to help determine the value of the newsletter. If you are already a subscriber you will not be asked to pay, even if the newsletter ever does convert to a paid format in the future. Call it beginner's privileges!

To provide resources that would allow Clean Joke of the Day to continue and expand it's ministry, do you feel it should begin charging new subscribers, or be kept free?

Clean Joke of the Day is published mostly with the KJV of the Bible. Would you like to see it use a different version?

Would you be willing to share if, and how, Clean Joke of the Day has been used by God to influence your life?

If you typed something into the box above, would you be willing to grant us the permission to publish this on our website or other materials as a testimonial? If so, simply type in your first and last name into the box at right.

First Name:

Last Name:

Are there any improvements you would like to see made to Clean Joke of the day, or any final comments you wish to give to me about the newsletter?

Congratulations, you made it through! Thanks again for your generosity, I'm very grateful you spent the time to complete this survey. Now to finish, simply click on the "Submit" button above.

With a grateful heart,
Joe Cosity

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